Saturday, February 21, 2009

Train Your Thinking For Daily Living

Too often today, too many think too little.
In the United States in particular, most television programming has trained viewers into having short attention spans with little thought for details. Requiring little to no thinking at all, just a programming of the masses to buy and believe the lifestyle being promoted.

A plethora of information relevant to "How to think" is available to Internet surfers. In most cases the type of thinking covered is of the "think like a genius" creative thinking for solving of complex problems. In this and several future posts, I'll offer information helpful for training your thinking for more effective and efficient application of daily life-skills. How to "git 'er done" as practical and pleasant as possible.

Based upon the oft used, "Use it or lose it" philosophy, I submit that the increase of mental illness today may not be so much what we eat or what's eatin' us, but possibly results from not using our minds as purposefully or powerfully as in years gone by. That is why I write this and future "Train Your Thinking" posts.

Any building must begin with a foundation. Training your thinking is no different. As simple or as silly (you decide) as the following may sound, it truly is the "unseen" foundation upon which "Training Your Thinking" builds. Remember, this is only the first of several very effective steps you will use. Take a piece of notebook paper and pen or pencil. Write your "ABC's" down the left side of the paper. After each of the 26 letters write three words that begin with each letter. In example, A= apple, ant, ask, B= boy, buy, born. Continue until you have 78 words listed. Do this each day as early as possible, once per day for 7 days without repeating any words on separate pieces of paper, keeping all previous pages but not reviewing them. (We will use them again later) Easy enough, right! Then why not do it right now and begin a simple process with amazing results. Now, after 7 days you will.....have to return to Read and Reap to learn the next incredible results producing step.

Stop by daily or subscribe with a reader, (I use Google reader) as I may post other topics prior to 7 days.

In the meantime, THINK on this:
"You can and should shape your own future; because if you don't someone else surely will".
--Joel Barker

Thanks for reading here.


  1. Not being much of a word person some of the letters were pretty challenging for me.

  2. I'm really not sure how many days I can keep this going.
